Scheduling Setup

Scheduling Setup

Business Hours

You can limit the times offered on the calendar in the business hours setting. It can be found in the “my account” page under the account tab.

My Account > Account 

  • Click on the day of the week under the “Business Hours” section to set your daily hours of operation. The first hour will be the first appointment of the day. Closing time will be the start of the last available appointment.

  • Configuring Packages & Add-ons

    Smart Scheduling will take into account approximately how long each service will take as well as which users are qualified to perform the service. 

    Configuration > Setup Your Packages

    1. Package 1 > Set Pricing - Enter an allotted time for your first tier

    2. Click “Qualified Users” and check each user qualified for the respective tier.

    3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each tier in Package 1


    5. Package 2 > Set Pricing - If necessary, alter allotted time for each tier and qualify specific users
    6. Click “Save”

    7. Package 3 > Set Pricing - If necessary, alter allotted time for each tier and qualify specific users
    8. Click “Save” . 

    Configure Add-Ons

    Add-ons are an effective way to increase your profit margin while still allowing you to complete in terms of pricing.

    Configuration > Create & Manage Add-Ons 

    1. Edit Add-on >

    2. Separate Event: If the add-on service requires an additional appointment, check the box to the right. For example, a Return Twilight Shoot would consist of the Main Photo Shoot (i.e Package 1) and the Return Twilight Add-on.

    3. Twilight Service: If the add-on service requires the service to be performed at twilight check the box to the right. Setup for sunset shoot times offered, is configured in user management.

    4. Add-on Service: Enter the Allotted time for the Add-on service.

    5. Qualified Users: If this service requires qualifications for scheduling, select the check box to open the assignment section. Qualify users for this service by checking the box to the left of the user name.


    Configure Users/Team Members

    Each “User” on your account will have a homebase, coverage areas(s), additional service fee, +/- total event time adjustment, time before sunset adjustment and the ability to make the user selectable when your client is ordering.

    My Account > User Management 

    1. Click “Edit” for the user you would like to set up scheduling for
    2. Profile Tab: Under “Profile”, enter the Homebase address for this user. This address can be their physical home address or a centered base of operation of your choosing. Smart Scheduling will calculate proximity and drive-time to incoming projects from this address, unless the user is scheduled for a prior shoot. In that case, Smart Scheduling will calculate proximity and drive-time based on the Project Address. Travel fees will also be based on this address.

    3. Calendar Tab: Smart Scheduling takes into account any unavailability placed on the user’s linked Google calendar. To link a Google calendar, click the “Send Calendar Invite”. An email invitation will be sent to the user to the email address in the user’s profile. IF you are linking a calendar that you administer, select “click here to link”. You can share this calendar with other users by checking the box to the right of their name.

    Configure Users/Team Members


    My Account > User Management 

    1. Scheduling Tab: 

      a) Selectable User: If you would like your clients to be able to select a photographer, within a coverage area, check the “Selectable on Order Form” box.

      b) Photographer Surcharge: If you are charging an additional fee for their services, add the amount to the right of “Photographer Surcharge”. The orderer will be alerted to the additional amount prior to confirmation and will be added to the project total- ONLY if the client specifically selects this user/photographer with the drop-down selector. 

      b) Twilight Offset: Full Frame uses Sunset time as Twilight time. However, you may want to have your twilight shoot end 30 minutes after sunset or perhaps 15 before sunset. Use a negative number to have your twilight shoot end before sunset and a positive number to have it end after sunset. '0' ends the shoot at sunset. 

      c) Adjust Total Allotted Time: While configuring Packages & Add-ons, you’ll be asked to specify an Allotted time for each service. Some users may require more or less time to complete these services. To allow your user more time to complete a project, specify a number, in minutes, to the right of “Add/Subtract from total allotted time”. To subtract time, add a - (minus) before the number.

    Configure Users/Team Members

    1. Coverage Area: Create a coverage area by clicking on “Add Coverage Area”. Start by clicking anywhere on the map to place your first pin. Then, create a “shape”, or coverage area, by setting as many pins as needed. Click on an existing pin to delete it.

    2. Travel Fee: You may create coverage areas that incur a travel fee to your client. You may set a "by-the-mile" travel fee, a flat-rate fee, or combine them both. The travel fee area can overlap the non-travel fee area. The system will look at them separately.

    3. Priority: You may have more than one photographer in a coverage area. If two or more photographers are available at the time your client selected, the lowest priority number, starting with 1, will be scheduled first. If two photographers have the same priority number, the photographer who can be scheduled most efficiently will be selected. If you would like a photographer to only be scheduled when selected by a client, put the number “0” in their coverage area priority box. 

    Turn Smart Scheduling On

    When you are happy with users, calendars and scheduling configurations that have been added to your account, the next step is to turn it on.

    Configuration > On/Off Features 

    1. Turn the Scheduling Module ON by checking the “enable” box to the right of “Scheduling”