Project Status Meaning and Effects

Project Status Meaning and Effects


Project not yet submitted. Pending completed order form. 


Project that has been successfully ordered. Still needs to be worked on and may or may not contain a task. 


A project whose tasks are completed and media has been delivered. This is mostly for record keeping and is helpful when wanting to filter between active projects that still need to be worked on and completed ones. 


This removes all tasks from the project. This should be used when a project needs to be put on hold for some reason and rescheduled at an unknown later date.


This currently does not do anything. In the future it will archive media to cold storage and the project will be put in an inactive like state which can later be recovered should a project need to be reactivated.


Deletes media, embeds, and property website. This should be used when a project is no longer needed to be hosted on Full Frame but needed for record keeping. Media deleted from this change cannot be recovered unlike the archived state.