To start, all MLSs have individual options for minimum and maximum media sizes and aspect ratios. We automatically do the resizing for quality purposes, so you don’t need to worry about it.
We know many of you use property websites to promote your listings and that you may or may not be able to include your branding and contact information on your materials, depending on where your posting because you need to be MLS compliant.
When using Full Frame you can do both depending on where you’re posting the property websites.
If you navigate to the Property Websites page you’ll see off to the left hand side the website links card.
Each link you’ll see labeled as branded, unbranded, no address, and video only websites.
The branded site is the complete site with agent and brokerage branding, the unbranded site is the same thing only with the agent and brokerage branding removed, the no address site is the same as the unbranded site but doesn’t have the address of the property stated anywhere, and the video only website only contains videos that are embedded in the site using YouTube or Vimeo.
To open the website on your browser simply click on the url for the site you would like to open. If you would like to copy the property site URL you can click on the clipboard icon next to the URL which will copy the URL to your computer’s clipboard, ready to paste wherever you would like to share it.
As you can see these simple functions on Full Frame will help you be MLS compliant when needed.