Full Frame Systems Email Notifications

Email Notifications

Order Started Email Notification

(Email Sent to Admin Contact)

In this video we will go through how the admin contact will get notified when an order has started.

When a client goes to begin an order an email gets sent after completing the first step regardless if they continue or not. The admin contact will be notified that they have begun an order.

They will then get an email notification that looks like this.

Order Updated Email Notification

(Email Sent to Project Owner, Admin, or Anyone Associated to the Project)

In this video we’ll show the email notification the project owner, admin or anyone with a task associated to the project receives when a project has been updated.

Let’s say the client navigates to the project and selects edit. They then update the property size and instructions about the project below.

The project owner, admin, or anyone associated to the project would then receive an email notification with the updated information about the project that looks like this.

Order Summary Email Notification

(Email Sent to Project Owner and Account Contact)

In this video we will go through how you and your client will get email notified once an order is placed.

When a client goes to begin an order on a project they must complete all the steps through. 

First they’ll fill out the address and other information related to the property.

Next, they’ll choose their desired package for the property. They can also add any optional services or addons they would like for that specific project.

They’ll then choose an available appointment slot based on your or team members calendar availability. 

Once they have selected their desired date and time, they’ll then proceed to the checkout page. They can pay right then or there or pay later depending on preferences from both you and the client.

Once the order is placed the client will then receive an email notification with the order details and if they did not make payment right away, there will also be a button where they can navigate to make a payment.

The project owner will also receive an email notification that the order has been placed.

Media Ready Email Notification

(Email Sent to Project Owner)

In this video we will go through notifying your client via email once the media you uploaded is ready.

First navigate to a project, upload any photos or videos that you need for the project here.

Once all your media is uploaded your can now notify your client that their photos or videos are ready. Just click email client here.

The client will then receive an email notification that looks like this for the original or MLS compliant media.

They can download a zip file of their photos and videos by clicking the download button.

Task Assigned to Team Member Email Notification

(Email Sent to Team Member)

In this video we’ll show the email notification your team member receives when the scheduler assigns a task or one is entered manually.

Let’s say a new task is assigned to the project, maybe the client wanted to add an addon and the administrator needed to assign that task to a specific team member as shown here.

Once the new task it assigned to the team member the team member would then receive an email about the updated task information.

Task Updated to Assigned Team Member Email Notification

(Email Sent to Team Member)

In this video we’ll show the email notification your team member receives when a task is updated.

Let’s say we needed to add some additional notes to the project to let the team member know what specifically to do. We’ll go ahead and click the pencil icon to edit the task and add in those notes here.

Once those notes are added and the task has been updated the team member will receive an email notification that looks like this.

Task Removal from a Team Member Email Notification

(Email Sent to Team Member)

In this video we’ll show the email notification your team member receives when a task is removed from them.

Here we see a task has been assigned to the photographer Cameron, if we click the delete button and remove that task from our selected team member they will get an email notification that looks like this.

Request Appointment Time Email Notification

(Email Sent to Admin Contact)

In this video we’ll show the email notification if someone requests an appointment time.

After they have navigated and placed most of their order the client can either select a time on the calendar or request a specific appointment time.

The requested appointment field options are optional. It can be enabled or disabled from the features page on your account.

If they request a specific appointment time you will receive an email notification that looks like this.

Additional Appointment Needed Email Notification

(Email Sent to Admin Contact)

In this video we’ll show the email notification when an additional appointment is needed if a project is being booked that not one individual team member is qualified for or the separate event was selected for one of the services.

Let’s say a client has selected a package with Aerial videography and none of our current team members are qualified to complete the task. Once they have selected that option and navigated to select an appointment time they will then be notified via email to reach back out since no one on the team is qualified to complete that service.

This is the email notification you would receive once that happens.

Driving Route Failed Email Notification

(Email Sent to Admin Contact)

In this video we’ll show how you, the admin contact, will get notified via email if someone tries to schedule an appointment when an unavailable calendar event for a team member is far enough away from their normal location, that a drive route could not be established.

This usually occurs if the team member is on vacation for that selected time and may be out of the city or state.

When the client selects an appointment time or maybe changes an appointment time like this you will then receive this email notification. 

They get this email in order to have the event edited in or to avoid scheduling errors. Once this happens, the scheduler removes the user for the whole week.

Welcome Email Notification

(Email Sent to Client)

In this video we’ll show the email notification the client receives once you add them to your Full Frame account or when a client signs up by themselves on the account login/signup page of Full Frame.

Navigate to the clients section off to the left hand side and click add new client. Add in their appropriate information and once you have added the client in your Full Frame account click enter.

This is the email notification the client would receive once that happens.

Invoice Email Notification

(Email Sent to Project Owner)

In this video we’ll show the email notification the project owner receives when an invoice is emailed to the project owner.

If we navigate to the billing section on the project you’ll see a button to email the invoice to the project owner. Once that button is clicked the invoice will be emailed over along with the details on the project.

The project owner will also receive a PDF version of the invoice seen here below.

Get In Touch on Property Website Email Notification

(Email Sent to Project Owner)

In this video we’ll show the email notification sent to the project owner when someone fills out the form on a property website.

After someone has filled out the form on the property website your client or client’s team will receive an email notification that looks like this.

Flyer Email Notification

(Email Sent to Email Recipient)

In this video we’ll show the email notification when a flyer is sent to any email recipient. 

Once you have navigated to a project select the flyer option and then click the pencil icon to go into the flyer.

Here you’ll see an email flyer button. You can now send this flyer to anyone you would like by filling out the fields.

The email recipient will receive an email notification that looks like this along with an attached PDF of the flyer.

Contact Us Email Notification

(Email Sent to Support Email)

In this video we’ll show the email notification sent to the support email on the account when someone fills out the contact us form for assistance.

After you have logged in, you’ll see a contact us at the bottom of the left navigation. Click Contact Us, fill out the form with your question or message and submit.

Once that form is filled out and sent, it will be sent to the support email on the account and they will get an email notification that looks like this.

Forgot Password Email Notification

(Email Sent to Anyone with FF Account)

In this video we’ll show the email notification anyone can receive, such as the client, project owner, or team member if they forgot their password.

Let’s say you’re on the login page and you forgot your password. You’ll notice a forgot password button here. Once you click that button and enter in your email address, you’ll be sent an email notification that looks like this.

This is where you can then reset your password to be able to login again.