Client Profile

Client Profile


This is the place you go to change any information about your or your client's profile or as well as adding any affiliations such as with brokerages or add your tracking codes for the property site. To get to your profile you need to click on the downward facing chevron next to your name in the side navigation area. This will open a drop down menu with two options, one is profile which is what we are going to click and the other is a log out option.

As an admin you can also change the profile information for your clients, to do this simply click the clients option in the side navigation menu and then the pencil icon next to the client name you wish to edit.

First let's start with your contact information under the profile menu in the header this will be the first page you see after choosing to edit a profile.

User Information

Complete your user information below and confirm your first name, last name, email, company phone number, license, address, & email. Your user information will be used for us to contact, such as when we send out invoices and other important information. This is very important to keep up to date as this is what is going to be displayed whenever your company’s information is shown, such as any branded video tours that get ordered. The information on that card will never be shared or given out to your clients. In addition, all email notifications will use this address as a reference.

For those of you who have used us in the past, you may see a new option called Override Location. When you click this option you will then be able to input your own coordinates instead of relying on the coordinates that’s assigned to your address by our API. This is most useful if you find that your business location is not being found correctly. To use this simply click on the checkbox next to Override Location. Text then a map will appear below that option. Then simply click on the map to change the location of the pin and you're done!

User Image

Next if we look to the right of the Account card we will see the User Image card. These are both fairly similar to each other. The User Image is where you can upload a picture of yourself. This card will be more useful for client profiles than team members as this is where clients can add a headshot of themselves that will be displayed on the marketing materials such as flyers and property websites.

To upload an image simply click on the upload button then a new modal will open up and click the browse button, a separate window will open on your computer. Navigate to the desired picture you want added here and then click open, a preview of the image will show up in the new modal and finally click save.


Under ‘Permissions’ you’re able to select the type of permissions the user has for the account. This is important depending on what each user needs or should have access to. This is a card that is exclusive to admin accounts only. 

Here you can change the amount of access a team member has to the system with the options being Admin, Employee, (Contractor-coming soon), and client. Admin accounts have full access and can add or edit any information from anywhere, Employee accounts only have access to Calendar, Projects, and their own Profile pages, lastly clients only have access to the projects that are created by them or for them. 

Change Password

The next section is pretty self-explanatory under the account. Confirm what password you want to use for your account. If you ever need to change your password you can do so here. This should be used when you need to change your password, either because it has been compromised or if a team member or client has forgotten their own. However we strongly recommend that in the case of a forgotten password the client or team member should use the forgotten password feature on the login page. 

Alternate Contact

Lastly, the alternate contact card is a very useful feature if there is another team member or contact, such as an assistant, that needs to receive any email notifications that get sent out. Simply input their name, phone number, and email address into the appropriate text field.

Profile - Affiliations

Under affiliations here is where we will be going over how to add Brokerage information and how to link another account to your own should you need to give access or if another, such as a broker, is going to pay for a project.

Brokerage Info

This is important to keep up to date as this is the information that will appear on the marketing material such as flyers and property websites. On this card you can add or change the Brokerage image or logo, name, email address, phone number, website, and address.

To upload the Brokerage logo simply click on the upload button under the image header, this will open a new modal which you can then click on the Browse button. A new window will open on your desktop where you will navigate to the image you want to upload then click open and the image will appear in the model that recently opened and then just click on the Save button to finish. 

If for whatever reason the map is showing an incorrect location for the address you can always manually change this by clicking the override location checkbox at the bottom of the card. This will show a new map where you can easily click to move the pin to the correct location. 

Broker/Team Affiliations

Next let’s take a look at the Broker/Team Affiliations card. This card is used to give access to projects to other clients or brokers who have an account with you. This is especially useful in a situation where a brokerage pays for the project themselves or they need access to the pictures or marketing materials.

Click on the big plus button at the top of the card and then enter a code for that affiliation. The next thing you want to do is decide whether this is going to be the administrator on the project or if they are the agent on the project. If they are the administrator then click on the project admin radio button and if they are the agent on the project then click on the Assign as Admin radio button. 

Then simply navigate to the other client profile under Clients then the pencil icon next to their name and navigate to the Affiliations tab. Again click on the giant plus button and type in the newly created code along with selecting the correct radio button just as we did previously. 

Lastly on the bottom of the card you will see 2 options, the first is whether an admin would want to receive emails regarding projects of their agents and the second is whether an agent should receive the emails on projects created for them by the administrator.

Profile - Account

To get to the Account tab simply navigate to the user profile you would like to change, if it is your own profile then you can click on the downward chevron next to your name in the side navigation menu and a drop down menu will appear. Then click on the Profile menu item and on the newly loaded page click on the Account tab in the top navigation menu next to Affiliations.

Credit Card

Below is where you will enter your card information for billing of Full Frame Systems and any tracking you would like to add to your property websites. Let’s first take a look at the Credit Card card. This is where your clients can input a credit card into their profile for future billing purposes. Simply fill out the field with the correct billing information and then click the Save Card button. This will save the credit card information in the system and make payments easier and faster for your clients. 

Tracking Codes

Next let’s look at the Tracking Codes card next to the Credit card information. This is almost identical to the tracking codes card in the subscriber account settings. The main difference between this one and the one in your overall account settings is that tracking codes that are placed here are only applied to projects that are from this profile. 

Let’s say a client wants to be able to track their own property sites with their own tracking codes they can easily do that here. Simply click the Add Tracking Code button and a new modal window will appear then input the Google Analytics tracking code and select whether this should track branded, unbranded, or both types of property sites. Last but not least click on the save button. This should now inject the necessary google analytics code into the header of any new property website that gets created.

For more information, visit Google Analytics page.

User Notes

Lastly the User Notes card is fairly simple. Here you can click the Add Note Button and a new modal window will appear. Then simply type in the note you would like to leave in the text field and if you would like to make the note private simply click on the eye icon followed by the save button. 

This can be useful to remind yourself about specifics of what this client likes or doesn’t like as well as leaving messages for them to see as an alternate way of communication.